Research tips within building of your novel

Molet Julia
2 min readAug 17, 2020

All novel ask a work of research in order to etablish the atmosphere, plot , characters, universe of characters and another . Why make a research to understanding better of structure novel .

to understanding , how to start a research and what direction given .

You should distinghish two ways to start research , where to research and on what ?

video explain research methodology

Once time you have a method for your research , you should to adapt with your novel . You should have a structure of your novel in order to indicate where you should to looking for .

You should sign up in your public library to begin your researh near you .

Then you find a database resource adapting by your research for your novel . You should focus your search on database of your library where the references are more sure . however if you want to search online via internet you should evaluate your sources to more credibility and a building your bibliography .
For your bibliography , there are bibliography software then import your file directly at the end of your novel .

Once your gathering your informations and your evaluate your source you could inspire of your research to begin your novel and have a plan your novel .

Finally you can compensate for your research by encyclopedia specialized , books, articles, newspapers .

Good research

